2013年11月28日 星期四

Fake mildew on wood

From the begin, I do not painting any more. But I learning how to paint when I was studied elementary school. I use this skill to do painting on sketch book.

I am foolish if I give up what can I do very well. However, I did not think very much about do I still painting. 

One day, I wanted to paint on wood that it is dishes of my mildew food. Brush was picked up I know how to work colours and brush at the same time. Suddenly, I thought wood is organic! I can paint on wood to do images of mildew.
30th Nov. 2013
A board of black colour like mildew  it is eaten by dark.

10th Nov. 2013
Finally, wood is eaten full part by black. And, to try something it is like baby of mildew. In fact, White line is a part of my fail work that it is crystal of salt on line. But I think the crystal it is like mildew baby to join to other part, air. 
My crystal of salt sketch
but it is not a cycle for the crystal, and salt not on bottom of line. 

12th Nov. 2013
After I painted this wood, I talked to Yvonne. We discuss to find I do not need specific stroke on the wood, because it is kook like Chinese painting that have trees and mountains. So I cut it smaller,  it is better.

19th Nov. 2013

19th Nov. 2013
 I try to do on broken board as well. It is prefer like mildew slightly eating  the wood.

19th Nov. 2013

19th Nov. 2013
It is look like moon. Haha~

